Job Offer 2020 – Grand Rapids MI Hotel Holiday Inn

Job Offer 2020 – Grand Rapids MI Hotel Holiday Inn

Job Offer
Company: Holiday Inn

Address: Grand Rapids, MI
Job Positions: Housekeeper
Salary: $11.00 – $13.50/per hour

Hours per week: 40+/wk
Overtime: Yes
Start dates:  May 25, 2020
End dates:  Sep 30, 2020
Uniform cost:
Uniform is black polo shirt, black pants. Participants need to provide own closed-toed black shoes. If purchasing these items in the US, an estimated cost is $25.00

Job description:

As a housekeeper, participants are responsible for cleaning (washing, dusting and vacuuming, tidying) guest rooms and property common areas. Job duties include picking up after a guest, preparing fresh linens (doing laundry), making beds, dusting furniture and fixtures, washing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, emptying trash cans, cleaning windows (usually less frequently), cleaning the bathroom and toilet and keeping the guest rooms stocked with accessories and the bathrooms stocked with supplies. Housekeepers will be using cleaning chemicals.

Details can be obtained in one of our office.

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