Job Offer 2020 Stillwater MN Happy Bridge, LLC DBA The Shirt Factory

Job Offer 2020 Stillwater MN Happy Bridge, LLC DBA The Shirt Factory

Job Offer
Happy Bridge, LLC DBA The Shirt Factory

Address:Stillwater, MN
Job Positions: Sales Assistant
Salary: 11.50/per hour

Hours per week: 40+/wk
Overtime: Yes
Start dates:  May 25, 2020
End dates:  Oct 01, 2020
Uniform cost: Free, The participants working at The Shirt Factory will receive a shirt to wear as a part of their uniform. 

Job description:

As a sales assistant, participants will be re-stocking, working the cash desk at the check out, assisting customers with merchandise as well as helping with questions or problems. They will also be straightening the store and cleaning the store during quiet hours or before or after the store is open. Additional duties include setting up displays, arranging merchandise and stamping or tagging pricing on merchandise. Sales clerks may also need to keep a record of sales, prepare inventory of stock, or order merchandise. Participants must be familiar with U.S. currency and understand how to make change. They must also be friendly and courteous to customers, and have excellent customer service skills. Hours: Employer is looking for participants to work a full 40 hour work week. Overtime will be available if participants would like to work additional hours. Any and all hours worked after 40 will be considered overtime at 1.5 x the normal pay. Hours can be combined between our stores, so it doesn’t matter which store they work at each week

Details can be obtained in one of our office.

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