Job Offer 2020 – Put in Bay OH Commodore Resort

Job Offer 2020 – Put in Bay OH Commodore Resort

Job Offer
Company: Commodore Resort

Address: Put-in-Bay ,OH
Job Positions: Housekeeper, Grounds Keeper/Cleaning Staff/Hotel Maintenance, Kitchen prep/dishwasher/busser
Salary: $10.10/per hour

Hours per week: 40+/wk
Overtime: Yes
Start dates:  May 22, 2020
End dates:  Sep 30, 2020
Uniform cost: 2 Shirts provided at no expense. The cost is $7.50 for each additional shirt.

Job description:

As a housekeeper, participants are responsible for cleaning (washing, dusting and vacuuming, tidying) guest rooms and property common areas. Job duties include picking up after a guest, preparing fresh linens (doing laundry), making beds, dusting furniture and fixtures, washing floors, vacuuming carpeted areas, emptying trash cans, cleaning windows (usually less frequently), cleaning the bathroom and toilet and keeping the guest rooms stocked with accessories and the bathrooms stocked with supplies. Housekeepers will be using cleaning chemicals

As a Grounds Person, participants will have the the responsibility of keeping the general appearance of the facility in clean, functional working order. This includes being accessible to customers and greeting and responding to guests in a friendly and courteous manner. Duties include ensuring that outdoors are clean and tidy. The Grounds Person also pressure washes, removes garbage, keeping out door restrooms clean (including cleaning toilets), assists in setting the outdoor dining tables. Participants may be using cleaning chemicals. As our resort caters to outdoor activities, the grounds person will be in regular contact with our guests and fellow workers (outdoor wait staff etc). This is a very social position.

A dishwasher’s primary duties include scraping, racking and stacking glassware/plate ware/silverware properly in the dishwasher and washing pots, dishes, etc. by hand and using by dish-washing equipment. Dishwashers then restock all dishware when clean. Additional duties include removing garbage and recyclable materials from the kitchen area to appropriate receptacles as well as sweeping and mopping. Dishwashers are responsible for maintaining a clean workstation, assisting kitchen staff when required and assisting in overall kitchen cleanliness. Dishwashers will come into contact with cleaning chemicals, and will wear rubber gloves. Food preparation cooks/workers assist chefs and other kitchen staff by preparing the ingredients used to create all dishes including entrees, sauces and side dishes. A prep cook chops vegetables, herbs and other ingredients, trims and slices meats and stirs sauces and soups. They also portion and wrap food, assemble plates (such as salads) and clean utensils. Participants will have direct contact with American coworkers and resort guests.

Details can be obtained in one of our office.

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